
Building Sustainably From The Ground Up


Did you know the new Northern Virginia Science Center is at the cutting edge of sustainability? Architecture firm HGA has woven a climate-friendly ethos into the building from literally the ground up. HGA’s Laura Henderson and Amanda Clements recently discussed the new Science Center’s sustainability features with Executive Director Nene Spivy. A few highlights:  

·      Both the building itself and the glass within it are placed strategically to maximize natural light and avoid overburdening mechanical systems.

·      Materials are selected to minimize embodied carbon and make the building as light as possible, reducing the amount of steel and concrete needed to support it.

·      The design uses as much of each material's standard size as possible, minimizing offcuts destined for the landfill.

·      Instead of oil-intensive and runoff-causing asphalt, the fire truck access behind the building will be a special reinforced geomesh. Plants can grow through it, while still allowing vehicle access.

Check out the interview on YouTube to hear more about how we're centering sustainability in this LEED-certified, solar-ready building. As Laura puts it, "it's good for the planet, it's good for the budget, and it's just the right thing to do."