
$1 Million Challenge Met!


One year ago, Board chair Sumeet Shrivastava issued a challenge to the Science Center community. At a Launch the Future reception at Google Reston celebrating campaign progress, Sumeet spoke passionately about our vision for the future, and then laid out a call to action:

“I’m excited to share one of our favorite ways to participate in the campaign: as an Element Partner. Tonight, we invite you, your family, and your company to join us and help us meet a goal of welcoming ten new Element Partners this year, collectively making a million-dollar investment in our community.”

We are proud to announce that we have officially met the challenge! A huge welcome and thank you to our ten newest Element Partners:

·       Natalie Lorenz Anderson and Bruce Anderson

·       ENcompass Consulting Group, LLC

·      The Gledhill Family and Policy Navigation Group, LLC

·      HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus

·      The Joyce Agency

·      Matthew Korn and Cynthia Miller Family Foundation

·      Loudoun County Economic Development Authority

·      Stanley Martin Homes

·      The Wylie Family

·      Anonymous donor  

Each of these families and companies joined earlier champions as part of the Launch the Future Campaign, making a $100,000 multi-year commitment which will be recognized permanently on an element of their choice as part of our Periodic Table installation in the Northern Virginia Science Center.

“It is inspiring to see these commitments from our region’s leaders over the past year, and throughout our campaign” shared Sumeet recently. “I’m amazed and inspired by the community response.”

The Science Center goes far beyond a physical building: it is a symbol of what we can create together. Thank you to our new Element Partners, and all the champions making our long-held vision a reality. Click here to learn more, and consider how you can become part of this once-in-a-generation project: every donation, big or small, makes a difference. To start a conversation about how you can get involved, contact Jenn Brunner, Director of Advancement at advancementdirector@childsci.org.